Shivas delays are not his denials. Shiva answers prayer, but not always our way. Unlike us, he is not in a hurry. It takes time to make a baby, a flower, a tree, a sunset, or even a blade of grass. Everything has its own time, until it prospers.
✨ Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Monday Mantra.
💀 Yes, You may feel your problem is too serious and your life worthless. When we face these frustrating delays we automatically assume that God is denying us or rejecting our prayer. We even find it difficult to pray and we loose all hope. But understand that You've got to wait till it's time for things to happen. Sometimes He delays answering prayer until you have learned the lesson He is trying to teach you. Or perhaps He is waiting for the circumstances to be ready for the result that He wants to bring. It may sometimes take years before you know why Shiva didn't answer prayer as you thought He should, or right when you asked Him to, but the time will come, and you'll know HE was right! The greatest darkness is just before dawn, The greatest hopelessness attacks just before rescue! So never doubt for a moment that if Shiva is going to answer. Because He will! Until then constantly fix your mind on Shiva. Millions of people have gained by Bhakti. He is moved when we have attitude of faith. Recognise that he is working even when you don't see any positive change. Remember that he is all knowing, he is present everywhere, then what could he possibly not know? What issue that resides in us as a need to be fulfilled would be unknown to Him ? Not even a blade of grass moves without his knowing. So trust him, he will do what's best for you!! Love, light and Peace

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Jai Ardhanarishwaraya Namah
Shubh Somvaar ~ Happy And Blessed Day

Shubh Somvaar ~ Happy And Blessed Day

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