Just because you don't see anything happening doesn't mean Shiva isn't working. Dare to trust Him. Always believe that even in your disappointments, heartaches and pains Shiva is there with you.
✨Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Monday Mantra.
🕉 Yes, U don't have to figure everything out. You may not know what your future holds. But as Long as you know who holds your future, you are going to be Okay. He has been working behind the scenes in your life over the years. He created heaven and earth and stars, and he created You. Know that he is constantly working for your good. He knows how to take care of his creations. He is bigger than anything you will ever face, he is already lining up answers for the problems that you may not even encounter for ten or twenty years. This should give you incredible confidence as you enjoy your life today. Whatever the circumstances, good or bad, Shiva already knows about them, and he has solution ready for very problem. So Quit worry and learn to trust him. Reject anything that hints at frustration or impatience. Remember when you believe, you activate his power. And remember that Just because it’s not happening now, doesn’t mean it never will. Sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right. When you learn this and become positive, you will appreciate his countless blessings and his favours and sure you will become a better you!! Love , light & Peace

Om Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Bholenath!!

What a awesome post glad to read this post Har Har Mahadev.
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