Sunday, 11 June 2017

Its very common for many people to pray and worship many different forms of ONE TRUTH.

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Its very common for many people to pray and worship many different forms of ONE TRUTH. People who don't discriminate have photos of many avatars or manifestations at their home. It's is good to respect different manifestations but when its a matter of spiritual sadhana then you must choose one form and worship it totally. Because when you worship too many forms then you are splitting your energies in worshiping different forms of god. You won’t be able to go deep in your Sadhana. In the Sadhana you have to invoke your Gods grace and for that it is important that all your energies are going in worshiping one form. So choose one form of god and then devote all your energies to it. This way your Sadhana will go deeper and you will also grow along with it. Worshipping one form will not only help you in succeeding your sadhana but will also be helpful at the moment of your death. This rule of being total in Sadhana is true for mantra meditation and other spiritual techniques as well. In mantra Sadhana you have to do the mantra siddhi which requires chanting the mantra correctly for a certain number of times. Mantra Sadhaks usually have one mantra which they chant with full devotion. And don’t worship god or do spiritual practices for mundane gains. worship them to realize your true nature. Once the deity is pleased with you then it will shower you with blessings and you will receive what is actually needed/ good for you. Don't get egoistic in your sadhana, just purify your heart. Never curse anyone, spread positivity, love and compassion in the world. whatever you share will come to back to you tenfold. 🌺🌸🌺
Love, Happiness & Peace ~ Har Har Har Har Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya!
Blessed Day Lovely Souls 🌺🌷🌺

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