Monday, 26 June 2017

Shiva in his ParamShiva state is Swayambhu, which literally means self-manifested, without birth or without origin.

In me the universe has its origin
In Me alone the whole subsists
In Me it is lost—Shiva
The Timeless, it is I Myself
Shivoham! Shivoham! Shivoham!
Shiva in his ParamShiva state is Swayambhu, which literally means self-manifested, without birth or without origin. Shiva is not born, he manifests on his own. Shiva is birth less, attribute less, formless and he is so because of his own nature, so he is Swayambhu. There is a verse in Vedas singing 3 well known names of Brahman as SHIV, SHANKER, SHAMBHU. One of the verses in Yajurveda invokes Brahman through 6 names including 3 highly popular names,' Shiv Shanker & Shambhu. Millions of devotees daily chant these names while worshipping HIM.
Shiva has been described in 6 forms.
1- SHAMBHAV (well being)
2 - MAYOBHAV(manifested as the forms of delight)
3 - SHANKER ( creator of well being)
4 - MAYASKER (creator of delight)
5 - SHIV (peaceful & unmanifested form of Brahman)
6 - SHIVTARA ( the form further beyond the Shiva form ).
Three names of Lord Shiva are always fascinating Svayambhu, Tejaswi and Akshar. If you talk of Shiva as one of the Trinity, then these names may not attract you much. When we talk of Lord Shiva, as Param Siva, then the names have great meanings. Shiva is the origin of the universe. It is He who manifests as Ardhanarishwara and then Shakti separates from him and the universe starts unfolding. It is then that the trinity is born and then other devas and asuras and all living being takes birth.! 🍃🌼🍂🌸🍃🌺🍃🌻🍃🍂
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya 💖
Shubh Somvaar Divine Souls 💟

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