Tuesday 27 May 2014

Tat twam asi

Photo: Tat twam asi

“Let us understand another great truth. Tat twam asi, that thou art, or thou were always that. Here, ‘That’ is the Great Truth; God, Consciousness, but, we need to perceive this Great Truth, and it can be experienced during the deepest meditation. You experience the primordial state of Being in its purity, you are at once everything, and everything is you, yet you are light, like nothingness, and yet you still are.
So, let thy body be thy Yantra, your breath is your mantra; meditate! And your devotion shall be fulfilled.” The snake bowed at The Yogi’s great blessing.

(The Yogi and the snake)

Tat twam asi

“Let us understand another great truth. Tat twam asi, that thou art, or thou were always that. Here, ‘That’ is the Great Truth; God, Consciousness, but, we need to perceive this Great Truth, and it can be experienced during the deepest meditation. You experience the primordial state of Being in its purity, you are at once everything, and everything is you, yet you are light, like nothingness, and yet you still are.
So, let thy body be thy Yantra, your breath is your mantra; meditate! And your devotion shall be fulfilled.” The snake bowed at The Yogi’s great blessing.

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