Friday 31 October 2014


Photo: GANGA

Gange~ har har !
Torrent is the wisdom
at the foot of a god,
yet you take,
to pass it through the dreadlocks
of another,
for us to bathe,
anointing mother !
when life’s cycle is done
and all spirit is one,
you are the gentle passage then again
a sanctified return,
for the elements,
in the ashes of the urn.

{from Naam Roop-A Tribute to the Divine. Footnote:Sacred to many millions, the river goddess Ganga is said to emanate at the feet of lord Vishnu. Such is the force of her torrents,that she must first land
in Shiva’s matty hair,before she can be trickled down in preffered measure.
Har means ‘to take away’.Interestingly,Gods and Gurus in Hinduism often return you to your pristinity by the act of divesting you of impurities ,thus too Ganga is a Goddess,since even a mere bath in her waters,it is believed,washes away the impurities of mind. Hindus often will their ashes to be immersed in the Ganga as a last rite, a last redemption.}


Gange~ har har !
Torrent is the wisdom
at the foot of a god,
yet you take,
to pass it through the dreadlocks
of another,
for us to bathe,
anointing mother !
when life’s cycle is done
and all spirit is one,
you are the gentle passage then again
a sanctified return,
for the elements,
in the ashes of the urn.

{from Naam Roop-A Tribute to the Divine. Footnote:Sacred to many millions, the river goddess Ganga is said to emanate at the feet of lord Vishnu. Such is the force of her torrents,that she must first land
in Shiva’s matty hair,before she can be trickled down in preffered measure.
Har means ‘to take away’.Interestingly,Gods and Gurus in Hinduism often return you to your pristinity by the act of divesting you of impurities ,thus too Ganga is a Goddess,since even a mere bath in her waters,it is believed,washes away the impurities of mind. Hindus often will their ashes to be immersed in the Ganga as a last rite, a last redemption.}

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