Tuesday 22 September 2015

Mind is not a dustbin to keep anger, hatred and jealousy but its a treasure box to keep love, happiness and sweet memories!

Mind is not a dustbin to keep anger, hatred and jealousy but its a treasure box to keep love, happiness and sweet memories! Yes don't live at the mercy of your emotions. Enjoy them, use them for something or someone who is worth it, let not your emotions dominate you lest your peace is ruined. Of course, emotional stability is something all of us struggle with at times, you struggle, I Struggle. But face your challenges head on, don't avoid the bad stuff. “It isn’t your problems that define you, but how you react to them and recover from them. Do what you can, when you can, and acknowledge what you’ve done. Do not ask God to remove the pain. Instead, lets surrender to his will and ask him to take care of all our disappointments, pains, sufferings. "Lord please give me the strength to move forward." Yes, strength is all that is required. The world is not going to end. Sometimes the darkest times can bring you to the brightest places, your most painful struggles can grant you the greatest growth, and the most heartbreaking losses of relationships can make room for the most wonderful people. What seems like a curse at the moment can actually be a blessing in disguise. No matter how difficult things seem, there’s always hope. And no matter how powerless you feel or how horrible things seem, you can’t give up. keep going. Even when all your strength seems gone, you have to keep picking yourself back up and moving forward, because whatever you’re battling in the moment, it will pass, and you will make it through. You’ve made it this far, and sure you will overcome this time too! Love, Light & Peace ~ Jai Shiva Shankar ~ Om Namah Shivaya!
Good Morning ~ Namaste ~ Shubh Prabhat!

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