Monday 21 September 2015

What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

Shiv Shankar Daily's photo.

Q: What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?
Guruji: It is up to you; if you think knowledge is information and wisdom is to integrate it in life, then that is one way to look at it. Some people don’t see any difference between knowledge and wisdom.
When you feel lonely, sit and meditate. Listen to bhajans or songs. Your beloved is within you. You just have to look inwards. Once you find the beloved within you, then you will find him/her everywhere in creation.
When your vision expands you feel you are nothing; you are like a grain of sand or not even that. When you realize your insignificance in this planet; a shift happens within you. This context will keep you so centered that a little bit of achievement here and there will not excite you, or throw you off balance.
Q: How to be humble yet authoritative at work?
Guruji: That is a skill that you have to manage. You have to be humble and yet firm. It is easy to be strict and arrogant, and it is easy to be humble and weak. But humility with weakness is no good. Strength with humility is the most appreciable quality. Arrogance with authority is very easy, but authority and humility together is something which is worth having. And that if you can manage to master, you have succeeded in life.
Similarly it’s easy to give up things in anger, and in frustration, but letting go with a fullness of contentment and happiness is a skill.
Anything we do in our life is directed towards happiness, and greater happiness, and greater happiness. That’s how the mind goes. And the greatest happiness is reposing in the being. It is when you feel that everyone is a part of you and you are a part of everyone.
Q: Are there aliens in this universe?
Guruji: Yes, I am one of them (laughter). At least, some people think so!
Om Namah Shivay

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