Friday 13 May 2016

I Want Freedom

Shiv Shankar Daily's photo.

I Want Freedom
What do you want freedom from?
You want freedom from your own mind and so you say, ‘I don’t want another birth.
'Mind is your best friend and mind is your worst enemy. It sees an enemy in a friend and a friend in an enemy.
Your mind can twist, distort, and create its own hell and its own heaven. So what you really want freedom from is the mind, but you say, 'I don’t want to be born again.'
Once you know that it is your own mind that is bothering you, and not somebody else, then that is wisdom. And when wisdom dawns then you say, ‘I don’t mind if I have to be reborn ten times, or a hundred times, or a thousand times, I will come.'
Then you realize life is joy and life is bliss!
You should not gauge your meditation. You should just be. When you are gauging, the gauger and the one who is experiencing are two different things. Meditation is getting into the experiencer and not getting stuck in the experience, that is why it is an act of dissolving.
Q: Service brings fulfilment, why doesn’t everyone adopt it in their lives? Why doesn’t it come naturally to everyone?
Guruji: It is quite natural that the one who does not serve, is the one who is stressed, insecure, self-centred, or without wisdom. If there is a little bit of wisdom, service is spontaneous. If you are well cultured and civilised then service is spontaneous. Nobody has to teach you to do service. No one has to tell you to engage in some service activities.
See what happened during the Chennai floods? No one invited people, "Hey! All of you come and help out". The entire youth of Chennai, not just the youth, all the people of Chennai got together and helped each other. These disasters in some strange manner unite people, unite enemies. Disasters compel people to realize their innate human values. If you are intelligent you don’t wait for a disaster to bring out the best side of you.
Om Namah Shivay

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