Sunday 2 July 2017

As the awakened supreme self, Shiva is Maheswara or Mahashiva, the Lord of the manifest universe.

As the awakened supreme self, Shiva is Maheswara or Mahashiva, the Lord of the manifest universe. As the awakened supreme self, he is saguna Brahman, the cosmic lord, who combines within himself the roles of creation, maintenance, destruction, concealment and liberation. He performs these five functions through his five supreme energies: pure consciousness (chit-shakti, bliss (ananda-shakti), will power (iccha-shakti), pure knowledge (jnana-shakti) and dynamic power (kriya-shakti).
As manifest Brahman, he projects the material and objective universe through his dynamic power (shakti) and projects into himself, like a reflection in a mirror, all that he creates. The creation is but his conscious dream, an alternate reality that cannot be entirely categorized as false or illusory. He is the Purusha of the Vedas, the cosmic male, who creates Prakriti 1 the cosmic female and then establishes himself in it in order to manifest the objective reality in which he conceals himself from himself exists as deluded jivas. As Tirumantram states succintly, " Himself creates, Himself poreserves, Himself destroys, Himself obscures and then grants himself mukti, Himself the all pervading lord." He is also the source of all knowledge, the Agamas and the Tantras come from him.! 🌼🍃🌿🌼🍃🌿🌼🌼
Har Har Har Mahadev Shambhu Kashi Vishwanath Gange 🕉🙏🕉

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