Sunday 2 July 2017

As humans we all go through ups and downs in our lives and our mood changes accordingly.

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As humans we all go through ups and downs in our lives and our mood changes accordingly. Most of us have had days where we have felt low. A person who suffers from depression would feel worthless, guilty, angry, ashamed and empty. One of the ways to calm the mind and escape from the clutches of depression is the path of spirituality. When the mind is set on the supreme power and the heart believes that no matter what the almighty will lead the way, one will never fall prey to such disorders. Pray to Maa Kali. Kali’s themes are rebirth, cycles, joy, courage, hope, cleansing and change. Kali, powerful Goddess whose name means ‘time’, is the genetic of natural forces that either build or destroy. Even in destruction, however, She reminds us that good really can come of bad situations. If you find your hopes and dreams have been crushed, Kali can change the cycle and produce life out of nothingness. Kali Maa is the one who destroys evil. She represents the spiritual power of human being. While very powerful and in her 'Ugra roopa", she is also known to be full of love and mercy. She helps her devotees by destroying every cause for sadness and clears the mind of negativity. Where there is sorrow, She dances to bring joy. Where there is fear, She dances in courage.
To invoke Kali’s assistance in bringing new life to stagnant projects or ruined goals, pray to her ; '‘Maa Kali, turn, dance, and change, Fate rearrange, End the devastation and strife what was dead return to life.’' Chant the Maha Kali mantra to raise your spirits. ~~
1- Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha|
Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Dakshine Kaalika|
Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Swaha||
2- Om Sri Maha Kalikayai Namah.
3- Om Klim Kalika-Yei Namaha ~~ This mantra is believed to bring relief from all kinds of problems, no matter how much complex it is.
4- Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha. (It is believed that this mantra brings rapid growth to one’s spirituality )
5- Kring Kring Kring Hing Kring Dakshine Kalike Kring Kring Kring Hring HringHung Hung Swaha ~~
The Mantra consists of three seeds, krim, hum and hrim, and the name ‘dakhshina kalike’ and ‘swaha’, which signifying offering. This mantra is used by the devotees of Kali, the preserver of Earth, who saves us from all the ignorance and the fear of death.
6- Kali Gayatri Mantra ~~ Om Maha Kalyai Cha Vidmahe Smasana Vasinyai Cha Dhimahi Tanno Kali Prachodayat
(Om Great Goddess Kali, the One and only one, who resides in the Ocean of Life and in the Cremation Grounds that dissolve the world. We focus our energies on you, may you grant us boons and blessings). 👅💀👁💀👅
Jai Maa Kali ~ Jai Maa Shakti ! 💖🕉💟

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