Saturday 5 August 2017

Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles.

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Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles. So in order to make their life easy and hassle free, Ganesha is worshiped by cult of tantriks too. It's very rare that one finds Ganesha with skull. In Tamil Nadu, India, there's a temple where Ganesha wears a belt of skulls.
Ganesha is immortal. In him lies the seed of omniscience,and the most subtle mysteries of the universe are known to him, including the mysteries related to our mind, karma, and the cycle of birth and death. The rays of light emanating from him enable us to comprehend our deeply rooted karmic impressions and discover how to attain freedom from the binding forces of our mind. Only then are the obstacles emerging from its unlit corners fully destroyed. Hence he is called Vighnesha, "the lord who removes obstacles."
Like fire, Ganesha consumes anything in his path with his enormous appetite. He is pleased with any offering we make to him with love - he gladly accepts our problems and concerns and swallows them, granting us freedom once and for all. No force other than Ganesha is capable of consuming our ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion, and fear of death.That is also why he is called Vighnesha, "the lord who removes obstacles." 🐘🕉💀🌀👁🎨

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