Tuesday 8 August 2017

The Hindus believe in many gods and goddesses. At the same time they also believe in the existence of one Supreme God

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The Hindus believe in many gods and goddesses. At the same time they also believe in the existence of one Supreme God, whom they call variously as Paramatma (Supreme Self), Parameshwar (Supreme Lord), Parampita (Supreme Father). Iswara, Maheswara, Bhagawan, Purushottama and so on. In the Vedas He is popularly known as Brahman, the infinite supreme God
The idea of supreme God in Hinduism pervades all teachings and methods of worship. Shaivism and Vaishnavism believe in one God who assumes different forms and roles for the sake of creation. Hinduism is unique because it is essentially a monotheistic faith which acknowledges polytheism as reflective of the diversity in God's creation. God is one, but also many. He manifests Himself in innumerable forms and shapes. As Purusha (Universal Male), He enters Prakriti (Nature, Matter or Divine Energy) and brings forth the numerous worlds and beings into existence. He upholds His entire creation with His unlimited powers.
He is both the Known and the Unknown, the Being as well as the Non-Being, Reality as well as Unreality. He exists in all and all beings exist in him. There is nothing other than Him, and there is nothing that is outside of Him. In His female aspect He is Shakti, who as the Divine Universal Mother assists the whole creation to go through the process of evolution in Her own mysterious ways, acting as the field and force of creation. The rise of tantric cults added a new dimension to our understanding of Him. To the tantric worshippers, the Supreme Self is the Universal Mother (Shakti). Purusha is subordinate to Her, who plays a rather passive and secondary role in Her creation as the witness. For them Shakti is not a dependent entity, but independent and supreme. Being passive, God cannot initiate creation unless He is joined by Shakti.
The relationship between God and His devotees is purely personal. They have the freedom and the permission to approach Him and worship him in their own ways. The world may create divisions and categorize people into groups (Jati) and castes (Kula), but for God we are all the same. 🕉👁📿🌙💀🌀🐍🌷🐚🔔🐘🌿🎨

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