Monday 23 August 2021

Did you know it takes roughly 66 days to form a new habit?


Did you know it takes roughly 66 days to form a new habit? So, for the next nine weeks, wake up and look at the bright side of your life and you will rewire your brain. In other words, practice thinking better for a little while every single day.
What you need to remember is that the mind operates like a muscle, and just like every muscle in the human body, it needs to be exercised to gain and maintain strength. It needs to be trained daily to grow and develop gradually over time.
The most significant hidden benefit of exercising your mind and thinking better? Renewing your trust in yourself, so you can live better.
At times promises you make to yourself that always end in disappointment. Eventually, you stop trusting yourself. And the solution in most cases is : you have to renew your trust gradually, with small shifts in your thinking, small steps forward, and small victories.
Of course, this process takes time, but it happens relatively fast if you stick to it. And it’s arguably one of the most important, life-changing things you can do for yourself.
The greatest conflict always resides in your mind first. You are what you think , you can’t change anything if you can’t change your thinking! But, the good news is YOU CAN change your thinking! Love, light & Peace ✨🌸👁🐍📿🕉🔱💀🌀🍃🌼⌛️🌷🌙🌿🐚🔆🍁🔔🍃🌻💟🎨🙏🏻🍂🌺✨
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Blessed Monday Lovely Souls! ✨🌸👁🐍📿🕉🔱💀🌀🍃🌼⌛️🌷🌙🌿🐚🔆🍁🔔🍃🌻💟🎨🙏🏻🍂🌺

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