Wednesday 18 August 2021

Meditation is the practice of deeply focusing your mind. It can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and a better sense of inner peace.


Meditation is the practice of deeply focusing your mind. It can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and a better sense of inner peace.
There are many ways to meditate. One technique is Vipassana meditation, also known as insight meditation. With this method, you practice self-observation by focusing on your inner self in a non judgmental way.
Like other forms of meditation, Vipassana is beneficial for both your mind and body. Vipassana is a traditional Buddhist and Indian meditation technique for enhancing mindfulness.
In Pali, an ancient language of Buddhism, the word “Vipassana” means “seeing things as they really are.” The literal translation is “special seeing.”
Often, the term “Vipassana meditation” is used interchangeably with “mindfulness meditation,” but Vipassana is more specific. It involves observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them.
It’s different from other types of meditation techniques, like pranayama (breathing exercises) or visualization. In these methods, you focus on a task or image. You actively train your mind and body to do something specific.
But in Vipassana, you simply observe your inner self instead of consciously controlling the experience. The goal is to help you:
quiet your mind.
focus on the present.
accept thoughts, emotions, and sensations for what they really are.
reduce regrets by dwelling less on the past.
worry less about the future.
respond to situations based on reality, instead of worries or preconceived notions.
What are the benefits?
Relieves stress, Reduces anxiety, Improves mental wellness, helps treat addiction.
The stress-relieving effects of Vipassana may improve other aspects of mental well-being.
those who practiced Vipassana reported higher levels of: self-acceptance. competence. engagement and growth. positive relationships. ✨🕉🍃🌼🌈👁🌷🏔🍂🔱💟💀🍃🌙📿⌛️🌺🍂🐍🐚🔆🍃🌀🔔🌈🍂🌸🌻🏔✨
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Shubh Prabhat ! ✨🕉🍃🌼🌈👁🌷🏔🍂🔱💟💀🍃🌙📿⌛️🌺🍂🐍🐚🔆🍃🌀🔔🌈🍂🌸🌻🏔✨

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