Thursday 23 November 2023

What is the greatness of Lord Vishnu?


He cares for his devotees to the maximum extent!!Best example for his greatness is the following story….

Once upon a time, many centuries ago there used to live a big and strong elephant named Gajendra. He was very tough and his stories of wisdom and courage were known in far lands. He was the king of a very big elephant herd. He even had more than 1000 elephant wives. Gajendra was very brave and proud of his position as king. One day during the harsh summer season, Gajendra was migrating from hill to plains.

While coming down the hill he saw a pond filled with clean blue water, he was very happy to see the pond. He immediately ordered everyone to stop and rest for a while. While everyone was resting Gajendra went near the pond and began drinking water. The water was very cool, and he jumped directly inside the pond and began to play. He was jumping in the pond, and a crocodile sleeping in the pond got awake.

The crocodile was in anger as his sleep was disturbed, he instantly attacked Gajendra and grabbed his foot with his large jaws. Gajendra tried a lot to set free from the crocodile's jaw, but all went in vain. He tried and tried and tried but nothing happened. A few years passed away and the elephant and the crocodile were still in the same position.

All of Gajendra's friends, family, and wife left him in that situation and went away. Now he was all alone trying to set free from the crocodile's jaw. Finally, he realised that nothing except god can save him from the crocodile.

He immediately calmed himself down and began thinking and praying for the god Vishnu. God Vishnu heard Gajendra's prayers and immediately went to the pond. He saw the elephant and the crocodile and pulled all of them out in one go. Both the animals landed on the ground and the crocodile once again tried to attack Gajendra. Just then lord Vishu took his Sudarshan Chakra and sliced the crocodile into two.

It may seem very fictitious but the crocodile began to change its shape and size, and soon it turned into a normal human. He turns into a famous musician called Hulu, who was cursed by a sage to turn into a crocodile. Just when he was saying this, Gajendra also changed into a human. Gajendra was a king called Indradyumna, who was cursed by an angry sage in his previous life. Since then he has been living his life as an elephant.

Finally, in the end, lord Visnu unknowingly helped two cursed people by relieving them from the curse they have been living with.

Both the elephant and crocodile were extremely happy and were taken to Vaikunta lokam with Vishnu.

by : TAX Advocate Anantha Krishnan Ramanujam B.A.,B.L Hons.

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