Thursday 29 August 2024



Lord Shiva is always in Dhyana and Chintan for the welfare of the world. Out of His compassion were revealed fabulous spiritual wisdoms and upayas to the Rishis of Kashmir. Some of the sacred teachings are :
The Siva Sutras
शिव सूत्र
The Siva sutras are the most important Agama, said to have been revealed on the Samkaropala rock at the Mahadeva mountain,and are considered to be a revealed book of the Yoga: Supreme identity of the individual self with the Divine. Swami Muktananda of Siddhapeeth said the Sivasutram is a highly respected treatise of Kashmir Saivism, and it contains the highest truth as expounded by Lord Siva.
Sri Bodh Pancadasika of Abhinavagupta.
Fifteen verses of awakening to your Divine reality.
The Bodha Pancadasika says " In the universe, there is ignorance, and there is a way to get rid of this ignorance.This is the way of meditating in the activity of the world." It talks of the fact that
Lord Siva creates this external universe for the sake of realizing his own nature.
Heart ( hṛdayam) of Recognition ( pratyabhijñā)-
The Pratyabhijnahrdyam prepared by Ksemaraja, the disciple of Abhinavagupta, serves as a digest to the Prtyabhijna philosophy of
Self Re-cognition in the Kashmir Shaiv Darsana. It talks of you as jiva Re- cognising your essential nature as Siva.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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