Tuesday 13 August 2024



Mahadeva Shiva respects all the creations of His own doing.
His memory is greater than Chitra gupta, the celestial recordkeeper, because he keeps it in His own Akasa ( The timeless i cloud )
But His is a memory of positioning; He knows who played what part as an elder, senior, uncle, aunt, child and so on from Yugas immemorial. He knows the Katha of our endless births,
He has the great unmatched power of " Mantra veerya anubhava" - Which means He alone knows the very origin of all beings.
His are the creation of all Devas, all rishis, all giants, mountains oceans, till the valleys and their denizens, humans; down to the minute details of butterflies and bees.
Therefore, before creating afresh each morning, He pays respect to all.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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