Tuesday 13 August 2024



One day, Shiva told Sati “Money tests, and mostly, makes you fail the test. "
“Prosperity test? Isn’t it adversity that tests a man?” Sati looked up at Shiva.
“You know, Sati,” Shiva said, coming close to Her. “After having observed lots of different people in different positions and varying social orders, of different ages, even of differing temperaments, men and women, both, I have come to understand that the real test is not in adversity, but in prosperity.”
Sati looked at Him quizzically.
“Most people do their best in adversity. People team up, families get together and friends lend a helping hand… Hmmm…” He continued.
“And with the same dogged consistency, in prosperity, one loses the digestive power.” Shiva looked thoughtful.
“Digestive power? I don’t understand,” said Sati.
“The power to digest material success,” said Shiva. “Siblings divide, and fight. Those who have served together as teams, point fingers at who gets the credit, the same friends who learnt to play together, become competitive. Think about it.”
“Hmm… actually, come to think of it, you do have a point!” said Sati.

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