Sunday 19 January 2014

Lord Shiva sleeping, like a baby, in his supreme pristinity.

Photo: Lord Shiva sleeping, like a baby, in his supreme pristinity. It is said of the  true Yogi" He is always awake"  But that Awakeness is  about always being centred in your Spiritual Self. Sleep,when it is very relaxed, surprisingly puts you in a state of freshness, which is a renewal of your own calm Nature. Indeed, in the Siva Sutras,the great revelation  text of Kashmir Shaiv Darsana : Kashmir Shaivism, Shivji tells sage Vasugupta  how to become centred in your Divinity, and  there he affirms that even through sleep one can remain immersed in the great state of awakening.Aum Namah Shivaya!

Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

{Pic from Sleeping Shiva Temple, Malaysia}

Lord Shiva sleeping, like a baby, in his supreme pristinity. It is said of the true Yogi" He is always awake" But that Awakeness is about always being centred in your Spiritual Self. Sleep,when it is very relaxed, surprisingly puts you in a state of freshness, which is a renewal of your own calm Nature. Indeed, in the Siva Sutras,the great revelation text of Kashmir Shaiv Darsana : Kashmir Shaivism, Shivji tells sage Vasugupta how to become centred in your Divinity, and there he affirms that even through sleep one can remain immersed in the great state of awakening.Aum Namah Shivaya!

Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

{Pic from Sleeping Shiva Temple, Malaysia}

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