Friday 31 January 2014

“The human race has no chance to lift itself from its own lowest thoughts until you lift yourself to your own highest ideas."

Photo: “The human race has no chance to lift itself from its own lowest thoughts until you lift yourself to your own highest ideas.
Those ideas, expressed through you, as you, create the template, set the stage, serve as a model for the next level of human experience.
You are the life and the way. The world will follow you. You are not at choice in this matter. It is the only matter in which you have no free choice. It is simply The Way It Is. Your world will follow your idea about yourself. Ever it has been, ever it will be.”

“The human race has no chance to lift itself from its own lowest thoughts until you lift yourself to your own highest ideas.
Those ideas, expressed through you, as you, create the template, set the stage, serve as a model for the next level of human experience.
You are the life and the way. The world will follow you. You are not at choice in this matter. It is the only matter in which you have no free choice. It is simply The Way It Is. Your world will follow your idea about yourself. Ever it has been, ever it will be.”

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