Sunday 27 July 2014

Why Did God Create the World? Part 2

Photo: Why Did God Create the World?

Part 2

Such a question will not come to the atheist. He may ask- what is the world? How did it come into existence? Why is it in this particular way? Etc. The atheist already believes that there is a God and that He has created the world. He already has some concept of God and some vague theory of how the world is created. He thereafter wants to know why He created the world.

You may be thinking that I’ve just come back from a meeting with God and that He has told the motive and that I am going to reveal that secret to you. Sorry, to disappoint you, but I have no such answers. In fact I must frankly admit that I too do not really know why God created the world and I do not feel bad about admitting it also.

Once Marconi was explaining in detail how the radio works. He finally admits to his friends- I know how it works, but I don`t know why it works.

Let us explore the common answers given to explain the motive behind creation and our response to them.

1) “Ask Him, He knows best.” The motive behind an action is best known to one who does the action. Others can only infer, guess or imagine the motive. Hence logically speaking this question should be put to God. Such an answer obviously does not satisfy us. One may think that a person does not know and hence is avoiding a direct answer.
2) “For His recreation.” God created us as a sport. This creates more questions and even indignation. When we are suffering, He is enjoying. And why does He need recreation?
3) “He wanted to manifest His potential to create.” Then why did He not create in another way? Why did He want to manifest His potential?
4) “He wished to become many as He was all alone.” Why did He wish to become many, and why so many?
5) “He wished to manifest His glories.” How can a perfect God create such imperfection? Not everything in this creation is glorious.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

Why Did God Create the World?

Part 2

Such a question will not come to the atheist. He may ask- what is the world? How did it come into existence? Why is it in this particular way? Etc. The atheist already believes that there is a God and that He has created the world. He already has some concept of God and some vague theory of how the world is created. He thereafter wants to know why He created the world.

You may be thinking that I’ve just come back from a meeting with God and that He has told the motive and that I am going to reveal that secret to you. Sorry, to disappoint you, but I have no such answers. In fact I must frankly admit that I too do not really know why God created the world and I do not feel bad about admitting it also.

Once Marconi was explaining in detail how the radio works. He finally admits to his friends- I know how it works, but I don`t know why it works.

Let us explore the common answers given to explain the motive behind creation and our response to them.

1) “Ask Him, He knows best.” The motive behind an action is best known to one who does the action. Others can only infer, guess or imagine the motive. Hence logically speaking this question should be put to God. Such an answer obviously does not satisfy us. One may think that a person does not know and hence is avoiding a direct answer.
2) “For His recreation.” God created us as a sport. This creates more questions and even indignation. When we are suffering, He is enjoying. And why does He need recreation?
3) “He wanted to manifest His potential to create.” Then why did He not create in another way? Why did He want to manifest His potential?
4) “He wished to become many as He was all alone.” Why did He wish to become many, and why so many?
5) “He wished to manifest His glories.” How can a perfect God create such imperfection? Not everything in this creation is glorious.

Om Namah Shivay

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