Saturday 31 January 2015

Cute Shiva Shivi ~ divine love of ShankarParvati. Parvati to unite with Shiva had to go beyond beauty and desire.

Cute Shiva Shivi ~ divine love of ShankarParvati. Parvati to unite with Shiva had to go beyond beauty and desire. She had to make every part of her being yearn for this union and concentrate all her will, energies and capacities focusing them on this sole purpose. "let him be what others believe him to be. My unshakeable heart knows no other feeling than love. Those whose goal is set do not care for criticism. Though he possesses nothing, he is the source of all possessions. He is the master of the world yet he lives in a cemetery. His physical appearance is frightening yet he is called ‘Shiva,’ the gentle source of all blessings. Whether he glows with jewels or bristles with snakes, dresses in silk or wears an elephant hide, adorns himself with skulls or the moon, it is not possible to define the form of one whose body is the whole universe. "Just as water and its flavor can never exist apart, likewise Purusha and Prakriti never remain disassociated from each other.’ Bhagavata Purana.

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