Monday 18 January 2016

Do you feel sad, negative, worried, and unable to let go of thoughts that upset you?

เซ The Shiva Tribe เซ's photo.

Do you feel sad, negative, worried, and unable to let go of thoughts that upset you? Have you lost the zest and joy in your life? So many of us are engaged in a battle, how to overcome those ongoing negative thoughts that flood into the brain. Its tough to deal with depression. Depression drains your energy. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make positive choices for yourself each day. Accept that you will have bad days, maybe even bad weeks. Once you accept that these periods happen, you are actually being honest with yourself in this way. Nothing is Permanant, not even your sorrows. That will give you a more positive perspective and may even make you feel better faster. Turn to trusted friends and family members. Share what you’re going through with the people you love and trust. Often when you’re depressed, it feels more comfortable to retreat into your shell, but being around other people will make you feel less depressed. Record little joys, try to let go of the big thoughts. "Why do I suffer from depression?” “When will I feel better?” concentrate instead on the little joys that happen around you, to allow those unsuspecting moments of delight carry you over the ones fraught with anxiety and sadness. Choose to do things that you enjoy, go for a walk, a tour to the city or may be watching a good funny movie? Practice relaxation techniques, Try yoga, deep breathing or meditation. And last but not least, Remember You are awesome. You may feel like you’re the worst person in the world, but there is always something your friends and colleagues love you and appreciate you for. You may not do great things like living saints do. But you have made achievements in your field of work. Today, Instead of berating yourself for messing up, give yourself a pat on the back for trying, making progress, and coming as far as you have.! Telling yourself what a failure you are won’t make you any more successful. Telling yourself you’re worthless and unlovable won’t make you feel any more worthy or lovable. only way to achieve self-love is to love yourself! Love and live today!! Love, happiness & peace ~ Jai Bholenath!
Namaste Lovely People ~ Shubh Somvaar!!!

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