Saturday 30 January 2016

I meditate on Vishnu, the great soul, who gives all, who is present everywhere and who resides in the hearts of all creatures, my body is besmeared with ashes and my hairs have been clotted.

เซ The Shiva Tribe เซ's photo.

"I meditate on Vishnu, the great soul, who gives all, who is present everywhere and who resides in the hearts of all creatures, my body is besmeared with ashes and my hairs have been clotted. All my vowed observances are intended for the adoration of Vishnu." ~ Lord Shiva in Garuda Purana. Lord Shiva is a param yogi established in samadhi. Such a yogi becomes detached from all the material comforts of life and is established in eternal spiritual tranquility. Shiva is the supreme soul and lives like a total ascetic in constant meditation to avoid distractions of material life. Shiva always meditates on Shri Vishnu. Many references are found in Puranas. And It's written that one day in Kailash, while Shiva was in deep meditation, Maa Parvati calls him. And Shiva doesnt respond. And Maa Parvati just stood there watching him. And ultimately when Shiva opens his eyes, Parvati bows down with devotion and asks ~ I have a question. The whole world meditates upon you, everyone is praying to you, meditating upon you, contemplating you, upon whom are you meditating?” And Shiva replies, “I always meditate on Shri Vishnu. Shri Ram is always in my heart!" Jai Shri HariHar ~ Jai Shri ShankarNarayana ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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