Wednesday 4 September 2024



You know me as Ekam
said God, "The One"
but, see this...
Advaita! exclaimed the ancient seer
and so it was that God and His play was understood,
not two,
Ardhanarishwar, the androgynous representation, of Lord Shiva and Parvati, is an extremely beautiful Shaivic symbollism. It denotes the perfect repose of Prakasa (illumination) and Vimarasa (reflection of that illumination on itself, therefore its power, to do).
Devi Parvati and Her Lord, Shiva , are a perfect two in one,
one in two. This is the greatest Truth symbolised in the Shaivite scripture and learning. God is both Transcendence and manifestation, being and becoming, Yin and Yang, potential and kinetic, Shakti and Shaktiman, Shiv, and Parvati, father and mother, God is the worshipped and also, in the worshiper. God is both the dancer and the dance, the meditator and the meditation, the stillness and the flight, the sky and the earthy ground, God is the ground of all things, the height of all asked for. He is both the drummer and the drum the heart and the beat, the music and the note, the poem and the word.
Shiva is Shakti. Shakti, is Shiva. To know this is is to honour Shiva in fullness.
Shiva is everything as the ultimate consciousness. But when
He manifests in form, it is male. Here too, He is inseparable from His consort, Parvati, who is female, together they are called Ardhanareshwar, the God that is indistinguishable in gender.
Aum Namah Shivaya! Jai jagdambe!

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