Saturday 7 September 2024



Somewhere in the mountains,
a golden tiger brought
his rider
to the Lord.
And the Lord saluted Devi, saying
are mine own God…
The relationship of Mahadev Shiva and Ma Durga always elicits a prayer to Her in my heart. Devi is Supreme in the hearts of all, even God Shiva Himself.
So too, one can imagine when Shiva gets into His massive Udhyamo,( Bhairava realisation ) , He has nothing but praise for His eternal beloved, Devi...
Ah Durge~
do not know all
thy visions and thy graces
less still thy names.
Life’s each new turn
unfolds yet,
Once again!
and we,
bewildered thus
Vismayo ….so remain.
Somewhere from the mountains,
a golden tiger came.
And the Lord saluted Devi, saying
are mine own God…
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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