Sunday 1 September 2024



Who can ever describe your beauty Divine Mother,
When Mahadev Himself is benumbed for a while?
Yes, true, many have tried
in earnest devotion for Durga,
the difficult to access Ma.
Is it true that some prayers made you smile?
The Hamsa Param, Ramakrishna, and the dasa too, ram,
and what to say of the ancient mountain bards,
who sing of you as daughter, Raja Hemavat's timeless sentinels and guards!
Latan waali, Jyotan waali, Pahadan waali, Sheran waali,
So laugh beautiful Ma, laugh like Mahadev,
when He realises the play from Gurudev Vashishta's
mantra and then laughter!
So Hum So hum So hum !
Jai Simhavahini Ma.

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