Saturday 26 November 2016

Amazing Stories of Courage and Inspiration

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Finish Strong
Amazing Stories of Courage and Inspiration
You may find yourself at the end of the work day with one more thing that needs to get done. Do you leave it? Or do you choose to finish strong and complete the job? You may find yourself exhausted from the day and putting your children to bed. Do you skip their bedtime story or do you finish strong and complete your nightly tradition? At the end of the day, when you climb into bed, regardless of what happened during the day, when you choose to finish strong, you will rest easily knowing that you did everything you could to make the day its best.
Finish Strong – to me, two words that more clearly define a call to action than any other two words in the English language. I challenge you to find two words that more absolutely define a performance objective. The words "finish strong" are pervasively used in our culture, and they are a perfect example of how the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. When you combine "Finish" with "Strong" you create a powerful platform for action. It's not uncommon for these words to flow from the mouths of athletes as they describe their goal in pre and post event interviews. The media uses these words to describe the performance of everything from the stock market to stock car racing. And lastly, for as long as man has documented history, the spirit of these words has existed.
The words Finish Strong have become a driving force in my life. For more than ten years, they have been my personal mantra for achieving excellence in – life, sport, and business. I have personally embraced the finish strong mindset in all aspects of my life. And, when faced with a challenge or adversity, I remind myself...
Regardless of what came before or of what has yet to come, what matters most right now is how I choose to respond to the challenge before me. Will I lie down or will I fight? The choice is mine and I choose to FINISH STRONG.
From this attitude, I have created a personal level of accountability for everything I do. I don't always get the result I want. But in the times that I have had to lean on my commitment, I always felt a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction knowing that I gave it all I had.
There is not a single person in the world who cannot benefit from adopting the Finish Strong mindset.
Here's a quote that drives the spirit of Finish Strong home: "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." —Anatole France
Om Namah Shivay

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