Monday 7 November 2016

We worship the three-eyed one, Lord Shiva, who is fragrant (in a state of supreme bliss), and who sustains all living beings.

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ॐ त्रयम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् । उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् म्रुत्योर्मुक्षिय मामृतात् ॥
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam, Urvarukmiv Bandhanan, Mrityurmokshaya Mamratat
“We worship the three-eyed one, Lord Shiva, who is fragrant (in a state of supreme bliss), and who sustains all living beings. May he liberate us from the eternal cycle of birth and death. May he lead us to immortality,"
The Sanskrit word maha means ‘great’, mrityu means ‘death’ and jaya means ‘victory’. Mantra is a word of great power that can give protection against negative forces and it can even change one’s destiny. To overcome this fear, it is said that Lord Shiva himself gave humanity the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra. Whenever there is stress, grief or illness, or when fear of death intrudes in awareness, this great mantra is chanted. The Great Death-Conquering mantra. Many names & forms, It is called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furious aspect of Shiva, the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva's three eyes and also known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because its a life restoring mantra. Hailed by the sages as the heart of the Vedas, the maha mrityunjaya mantra awakens a healing force that reaches deep into the body and mind, lifting you up in times of trouble, restores health and happiness and brings calmness in the face of death. When courage or determination are blocked, it rises up to overcome obstacles. It's recited when taking medicines, for it prepares the body and mind to make the best use of them. And so, whenever matters of health, vitality or freedom from the fear associated with death arise, the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra naturally surfaces as a remedy and comfort.
According to Puranas, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra has been used by many Rishis as well as Sati during the time when Chandra suffered from the curse of Prajapati Daksha. By reciting this mantra, the effect of the curse of Daksha, which could make him die, slowed, and Shiva then took Chandra and placed it upon his head. In another legend, Lord Shiva once saved Rishi Markandeya from ill-timed death, who worshipped Shiva with great devotion chanting this mantra. He chanted intently and Shiva himself rescued him from Yama! 📿🕉📿
Jai Shri Mahakal ~ Mrityunjaya Namah Om ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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