Tuesday 20 December 2016

Hanuman represents many things at many levels. He is regarded as the Superman, the perfect man, the knowledge body (gnana guna sagara) in man, the immortal man (chiranjeevi), the animal man and the flying human (va+nara).!

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As Vayuputra Hanuman Ji is the breath body in us and can help the lower self (Sita) that is lost to ignorance to reunite with its true companion, the inner soul (Rama). As Veeranjaneya, he is the source of courage and confidence for many a timid heart.
As Bajarangbali, he is strong in both devotion and physical strength. He is an ocean of virtues and friend of the pure hearted. He loves the ascetic qualities in man because only those who are detached and mentally free from the luxuries of life and desires of their bodies can truly concentrate on the divine and attain Him.
In the macrocosm Rama represents the Supreme Self and Hanuman as his devotee, the individual Self. Within in the microcosm of the embodied Self (jiva), Rama represents the embodied Self, who is caught in the cycle of births and deaths (Samsara). Sita represents the physical Self or mind and the body complex (Kshetra). Ravana with his ten heads represents the ego with ten senses which have fallen into evil ways. Hanuman represents, the breath. When ego and the senses carry away the mind and body and put them to wrong use, with the help of breath the embodied soul restrains the senses, silences the ego, regains the control of the mind and body and stabilizes them in the contemplation of God.
Thus, Hanuman represents many things at many levels. He is regarded as the Superman, the perfect man, the knowledge body (gnana guna sagara) in man, the immortal man (chiranjeevi), the animal man and the flying human (va+nara).! 🙏🐵🕉📿🐒🙏
Jai Shri Ram ~ Jai Rudra ke Roop Hanuman! 🙏🙏

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