Sunday 18 December 2016

Listening is the only way to receive life.

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Jai Shri Radhe Krishna! ૐ Narayanayam
“Listening is the only way to receive life. Listening is the only way you can truly relate to you and to others.
Please understand: the hidden, unresolved, incomplete parts of you are crying for your listening. Just listen. When you listen to yourself, your awareness reaches such a peak that there is no space for conflict there is no space for non-integrity and inauthenticity to live in you.
When you listen to yourself, all the unconsciousness in you drops away. When you listen to others, you will transform them just by your listening. Remember, when people come to you, they almost always don’t want solutions. They just want your listening. In the space of your deep listening, they will find the answers they need. And out of that deep listening, even if you speak, it will be always what the other person needs to hear.
At the end of the day, just sit down to spend some time with yourself. Listen to yourself. Listen to whatever your body and mind are telling you. REALLY listen. Don’t imagine that you should not have thoughts, or you should not have physical discomforts. Just listen to everything. As you practice this, you will find your body and mind finally fall into peaceful silence.
When your spouse or your boss or your friend is talking to you, see exactly what you are doing. You are not listening; you are preparing your answer to them! Even before they start talking, you are preparing your answer. That is why your answer never matches their question – because you never heard the question!
Listening needs three things from you:
A passive inner space that invites the other person to pour themselves into your listening
A deep patience that can wait for a solution to emerge on its own
The courage to respond spontaneously, without a prepared answer or a ready-made solution
Listening means just dropping your mind and being available for the other.
The next time someone talks to you, find the space inside you to just listen. Drop your inner chatter, just be still and let the other person speak. When a word comes up inside you, let your listening just swallow it. Keep practicing this till listening becomes part of you.”
~The Essence of Living Enlightenment by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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