Thursday 16 March 2017

Chanting God’s Name is the boat that helps us ferry across the ocean of life.

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चिंता करोगे तो भटक जाओगे। चिन्तन करोगे तो भटके हुए को राह दिखाओगे। भगवान कहते हैं कलयुग में मुझे प्राप्त करने का एक मात्र साधन है मेरा नाम समर्णम। जो भक्त मेरा समर्णम करते हैं, और मेरा चिन्तन करते हैं, वो भक्त मुझे सर्वप्रिये हैं, और मैं उसके लिए सदैव तत्पर रहता हूँ ~~ हरि ॐ तत् सत ॐ नमः शिवाया!!
Chanting God’s Name is the boat that helps us ferry across the ocean of life. The benefits of chanting are innumerable that we can derive according to path of Dnyanyoga, Path of Knowledge and Bhaktiyoga, Path of Devotion. Chanting purifies the inner sense organs consisting of the conscious mind, sub-conscious mind, intellect and ego, making it capable of receiving spiritual knowledge. Chanting God’s Name constantly purifies an individual’s subconscious mind and makes it capable of receiving Divine Knowledge. Just as one cannot reap a good harvest without ploughing the field to make it fertile, similarly, knowledge cannot penetrate the antahakaran until it is purified. Hence, it is necessary to remain steadfast unto the practice of karma, bhakti, worship of God, singing bhajans, kirtans. Chanting alone can bestow merits equivalent to what can be attained through several pilgrimages and Ritual of sacrificial fires. In Kaliyug, he who continuously chants God’s Name gets the fruit of 10,000 Yagnayas and of million holy dips. Repeated chanting of God’s Name backed by belief in God’s Name gives us spiritual experiences. This leads to development of faith in the god. When we have the belief that God’s Name will give us everything, we start chanting with intense yearning for Him and bhav for the god develops swiftly. God exists where there is bhav. Hence, in Spirituality, developing Bhav has utmost importance. When we chant the Name of God, he is appeased. In worldly life, when we are constantly in touch with someone he does not forget us. Thus, by chanting His Name if we remain in contact with God, then He too remembers us! Love, Light & Peace ~ 🌿📿👁🐍🌙💀🔱🐚🕉🔔🌷🌀
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya !
Happy & Blessed Thursday Divine Souls! 🙏❤️🙏

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