Thursday 8 June 2017

It's easy to trust Shiva when the things are going good. It's easier to trust Shiva when you still have a dream. It's little bit harder when it crashes to the floor. Tears fall the same when little or big dreams break. But it's not supposed to hurt when you know that Shiva is in control.

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It's easy to trust Shiva when the things are going good. It's easier to trust Shiva when you still have a dream. It's little bit harder when it crashes to the floor. Tears fall the same when little or big dreams break. But it's not supposed to hurt when you know that Shiva is in control. 🕉 Namaste Lovely People. It's time for Wednesday Wisdom. 💀👁💀 Trust is a continuing, ever evolving strengthening process. It deepens when you are put to test. What may seem like a disappointment could be Shiva setting you up for a rescue. Trust his plan even when you don't know the path. Know that Challenges, trials and tribulations are a part of life, especially in this age of Kali Yuga. Scriptures are filled with devotees who underwent one challenge after the other; but did not give up chanting his holy name, or their faith/trust in the Lord didn't shake. That is in itself a form of gratitude. So remember that Disappointments draw us near Shiva enabling us to trust him in greater degree. You are supposed to know that it's just a phase. Everyone goes through tough times every now and then. You are not alone. I have been there too. You just have to acknowledge it, that yes times may be tough but I am Strong! You have to undergo challenges and deal with all kinds of choices. However, you also have to remember that Shiva is ALWAYS there for us too. He wants His devotees to receive the credit by maintaining their devotion despite all difficulties that may arise during the tough times. Chant his name, sing his glories, no matter what the situation. ~ love, light & peace 🐍👁🕉💀🔱🌿🐚📿🌙🌷🌀🔔🎨
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev ! 🔱👁🔱

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