Saturday 10 February 2018

An angry and aging mother Aditi sat down to fast and pray that Lord Vishnu - the preserver of the universe - would aid her in a moment of distress.

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An angry and aging mother Aditi sat down to fast and pray that Lord Vishnu - the preserver of the universe - would aid her in a moment of distress. Her sons, who ruled several planets in the universe, had been vanquished by the great king Bali, who wanted to become the sole ruler of the entire celestial world.
As the humiliated mother of defeated sons, Aditi refused to eat, and closed her eyes, with a hurt soul eager for retribution. She kept praying to Vishnu, till at last he appeared after twelve long days of penance. Moved by her devotion and strength of purpose, Shri Vishnu promised the aggrieved mother that the lost kingdoms would be restored to her sons.
And so Shri Vishnu disguised himself as a midget Brahmin ascetic answering to the name of Vamandeva. He appeared at the glorious court of Bali Maharaja to plead with the victorious king to give him "just" three pieces of land. Dulled by a sense of invincibility and amused by the midget, the great king lightheartedly consented to the appeal.
In that very moment of thoughtless consent, Vamandeva decided to take his chance and started expanding his form to gigantic proportions. To the king's horror, the giant dwarf walked his first step, which, to the everlasting despair of Bali Maharaj, covered the whole universe.
That is how Aditi got her sons' kingdoms back. But it was the second step that assumed crucial significance. Vamandeva then kicked a hole in the shell of the universe, causing a few drops of water from the spiritual world to spill into the universe. These precious and rare drops of the Other World gathered into the flow of a river that came to be known as the Ganga. That was the sacred moment when the great Ganga emerged came into being to become integrated with history.! 🐚👁🕉🌊🔱🐍💀🌙📿🌀🌷🔔
Hara Hara Gange ~ Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Jai Shri Vishnu 🐚🌀🐚

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