Sunday 12 May 2013

Shiva helps us embrace both sides of all dualities...........

Shiva helps us embrace both sides of all dualities so that we can move beyond all dualities to the essence of oneness which is the deepest awareness. Shiva is the very death of death. He carries all time and existence in the winking of hiseyes. Once we reach him, there is no more death and sorrow, which are revealed as but the shadow of a deeper unending light.

Relative to specific Yoga practices, Shiva is the master of asana; particularly the seated pose that is the most important of all the asanas. He is usually portrayed in either Siddhasana or Padmasana (lotus pose) often surrounded by animals that symbolize the other asanas as well.

Shiva is also the great lord of Prana or the cosmic life energy. The mantras Ham Sa and So Ham, the natural sounds of the breath, reflect the pranic dance of Shiva within us. They represent the voice of Shiva reverberating at the core of our being.

Om Namah Shivay.

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