Saturday 28 February 2015

"Therefore a person should ever strive for the destruction of ignorance, for one's birth is fruitful when ignorance is destroyed. One thereby attains the end of human existence and the state of being liberated while living."

The omniscient (infinite knowledge), omnipotent (unlimited power), omnipresent (present everywhere), Divine Mother of extreme beauty and ageless eternity ~ Maa Adi Shakti. "Therefore a person should ever strive for the destruction of ignorance, for one's birth is fruitful when ignorance is destroyed. One thereby attains the end of human existence and the state of being liberated while living." ~ Srimad Devi Bhagavatam. "By meditation, the noble person will perceive me directly and then merge into my own essence since we two are one. By practicing this yoga, one realizes me as the supreme Self. In that instant, ignorance and its effects all perish." The Mahadevi insists that liberating knowledge can be attained here in this world, while still living. Seeking such knowledge alone makes life worthwhile, and the attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the ultimate purpose of existence. Meditate on Maa Adi Shakti, She can bring forth warrior-like strength and protective compassion. When you bring her image into your inner world, she can empower your most radical aspirations and guide you through your most conflict-ridden life issues. Shakti embodies the inner power to transform yourself – to let go of addictions, obstacles, illusions and fears. Meditating on Maa Shakti can call forth specific powers and qualities within you that come to you from beyond your limited ego and can help you meet challenges & bringing deity energy into the body and mind. So meditating and chanting mantras of Shakti can literally transform energies into your life.
Love, light & Peace ~ Jai ShivaShakti!

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