Wednesday 29 April 2015

Even your being alive is not permanent – so where is the question of addiction being permanent?

Even your being alive is not permanent – so where is the question of addiction being permanent? Sadhguru. Yes, nothing is permanent, worries troubles, challenges and even our life come to an end.. Then Why cant addiction? there are many different forms of addiction, it can take hold of us in such a way that it is difficult to get ourselves free. Drinking, smoking, gambling, sitting too much in front of TV or addiction for facebook, Beating addiction once and for all is possible, but only if you are passionate, willing, and enlightened as to how to go about doing it. Those who have a problem with addiction will want to start by first acknowledging it, No matter what it is. Why am I doing this, what purpose does it solve? If you are an alcoholic you are not just drinking because you are thirsty. Admit. "I am medicating myself for anxiety, depression and pain, it numbs me to life." Use alternative coping skills, break old bad habits n replace them with new ones. There’s an old saying “It takes 30 days to develop a habit, and 7 days to break it. Yes consider developing new habits, like breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Make life style changes, start frequenting temples or places where you feel more close to God, after all he is the one who is going to give you that energy and will power to change your old habits. Yes, ShivaShakti. When you bring Shakti in your inner world she will guide you through your most conflict ridden issues. Meditating on Shakti fills the body with deity energy and strong will power. So transform your lifestyle, your whole life will change once you bring yourself more close to ShivaShakti!! Peace ~ Jai ShivaShakti ~ Jai ShankarParvati!!

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