Wednesday 29 April 2015

Simple But Powerful ‪#‎Mediation‬

* Simple But Powerful ‪#‎Mediation‬ *
It is a simple but powerful meditation technique to awaken the sleeping Shivji within by invoking enlightened masters and making perfect attunement with them through merger of the mind. There is only one mind, of which our own minds are different expressions.
Ultimately, there is no distinction between the meditator’s mind and that one mind of which the guru is also an expression. The spirit of the master can always be invoked by any meditator with earnest invocation and concentrated visualisation.
In addition, the physical form of the masters, as embodiment of wisdom, radiates their thought vibration.
By receiving the same, we can merge our mind with them just as the crystal assumes the colour of a closeby object. The process is fairly simple, but needs to be practised with faith, humility, devotion and keen visualisation.
Sit comfortably with eyes closed, spine erect and chin parallel to the ground. Take a few deep breaths and tense and relax the whole body from the crown to the toe in slow succession. Give conscious command to every body part to relax and feel that the body part is completely relaxing. Thus when the whole body will be relaxed like a lump of flesh, the mind will become thoughtless and calm.

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