Sunday 26 April 2015


Thank you for all your beautiful comments.
Very rewarding to read them.
My knowing and consequent writing has always been that Shiva created the entire world out of love, for love. And though he loves Parvati beyond immeasurable skies, beyond time, but he also loves all of us, all His creation in great measure. Shiva is The most wonderful Parent , totally in love with all his children.
What Goes wrong then?
Somethings are not in our control, like Natural disasters, and, in a cosmic view they cant be helped: Mountains grow old too, and becoming weary, they have a slip disc, A mountain's slip disc is an earthquake for us, which costs precious human lives, and we look to almighty God for help. Perhaps Shiva will figure out a way to cure the mountain of its ailment, perhaps he will calm down the earth, the volcanoes, the ocean and their tempests.Perhaps he is already meditating on something. But what can we do in the meantime? we can begin by understanding that not even a small percentage of Disasters is Natural, but man made. We add fuel to the fire of Nature's anger by not respecting her ecology and the results have been announced by our experts in their respective fields with terms like global warming. depletion of resources and so on. But the most essential thing we need to re learn, is kindness and love. The same love that Shiva began this whole world with. Its time we went across just money,materialism and power, time we learnt to drop petty politics and reconnect with the whole world family.
This is what i feel Mother Nature is telling us, rather sternly.
Once again Prayer to Shiva, be Ashutosh, the easily pleased and shower your grace on all.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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