Wednesday 26 August 2015

Out of the 108 names of Lord, one name is Shri Pashupati. Lord of the animals

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

Om Shri Pashupataya Namah! ~ Out of the 108 names of Lord, one name is Shri Pashupati. Lord of the animals. Most benevolent, compassionate and kind lord who protects them, and gives them succour, removing their troubles and giving them shelter. "Rudra lives in forests and jungles. He is called Pashupati, lord of wild beasts" ~ Shatapatha Brahmana. Shivas flock comprises all living beings, including men. The difference between beasts, men and God is only one of their role. The various aspects of beings are present in varying degrees in all forms of existence. No God is without animality, no animal without humanity, and no man without a part of divinity. These components are distinguishable in all men ~ pati, pashu and pasha. Those whom the pati (master) element is dominant are wise, close to gods, understand the rules of divine activity and creation and take part in it. Men in whom animal element predominates are called pashu (cattle). The abstract element pasha (bond) expresses the unity and interdependence of all forms of life. "I am the lord of the animals. The courageous Titans, asuras, can only be destroyed if each of the gods and other beings assumes his animal nature'. 'It's not a disgrace to recognise your animal nature. Only those who practise the rites of the brothers of the animals, the Pashupatas, will be able to overcome their animal nature'. It was thus that all gods and Titans recognised that they were the lords cattle and that he is known by the name of Pashupati, the lord of animals ~ Shiva Purana Rudra Samhita. "All the divinities are called Pashupatas (brothers of the beasts), since they belong to the flock of Pashupati. All those who consider the lord of animals as their God become brothers of the beasts' ~ Linga Purana. "The most sacred Pashupati Yoga, the yoga of the brothers of animals, through which the unity of living beings is realised, was taught by me and it should always be practised" ~ Lord Shiva in Linga Purana! Jai Shri Pashupatinath!!

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