Thursday 27 October 2016

Dangers of 'sticker' potthu / bindi - Why do we use kumkum ?

  The use of Kumkum or kungumam ( turmeric processed with lime ) is very much evident amongst Indians since time immemorial.It is in fact a powerful cultural identity as well,as the use of kumkum has been prominent since ancient times.It is even said that this practice was common worldwide,and not just confined to Bharata.

So what exactly is the significance of this red dot on the forehead ? 

We must understand that the Indian culture is deeply rooted with spiritual science.Every small act,ritual,way of dressing and lifestyle was made it a way that it spiritually benefited us.

This was the great contribution of many yogis,enlightened beings and siddhas of Bharata.For example,Agasthiyar Muni.Agasthiyar Muni is very important in the tamil culture.He introduced traditions and practices in such a way that a common man imbibed spiritual upliftment in every small act he performs daily.The use of kumkum is an example to this.

Kumkum is applied at the point between the eyebrows,which marks the 6th chakra - the Ajna Chakra,commonly called the third eye. 

Kumkum activates this chakra.There is a famous story in our purana - which describes Lord Shiva who was in deep meditation,opens His third eye -burning Kamadeva ( the celestial entity who invokes lust )who tried to disturb His meditative state into ashes.It is also a famous saying that once Lord Shiva opens his 'third eye', the entire universe is burnt down.

The significance of this purana is to explain that - once our ajna chakra is activated, all illusions gets destroyed.We turn inwards.The 'third eye' gives us god-vision to see reality as it is. Negative qualities like lust which blinds us will be 'burnt' once our awareness is in tandem with the awakening of the third eye - the ajna chakra. 

The ajna chakra is given tremendous importance in our culture and in many spiritual schools.

Ajna chakra is responsible for intuition and clairvoyance.This is why our ancient women used large kumkum adoring their forehead all the time.Women by their very nature have a very high intuitive power- almost 7 times that of men.And this was greatly empowered by the use of kumkum.

Our ancient mothers were spiritually strong and formed the backbone of the society.They were experts in advising husbands in taking decisions and so forth.All these was due to the importance given to the activation of third eye.

The Gayatri Mantra is said to be the third eye given to mankind.

Kumkum is also prominently used in Devi worship.The essence of kumkum which is turmeric based creates the aura and radiance very apt to the Divine Feminine.

Another significance is that the kumkum is red and appears very much like blood.It is said that by offering kumkum to the fierce or ghora form of Devi - such as Kali, it signifies blood and it pacifies the divine mother.

The disadvantages of using 'sticker' kumkum or bindi 

Unfortunately ( Very unfortunately ) , this science of kumkum is being killed slowly.Today,most women resort to using 'sticker' based kumkum or bindi by using liquid. Let us look at the material of sticker - plastic ! Not only does it kill the significance of the kumkum, it also blocks the ajna chakra  ! Same goes with bindi.

There is an explanation by many that the bindi ( black dot applied using liquid ) helps prevent hypnotism - thus being an ideal safeguarding apparatus for young girls.This may be true,but it doesn't change the fact that this still blocks the ajna chakra.

Blockage of ajna chakra can result in many , many undesirable effects.Examples include hormonal problems and lack of peace.

The material that covers the point between the eyebrows play a very important role.Even in other cultures, selected gems and stones are used to decorate this spot - with the same science as using kumkum,but with different technology. 

There are so much more alternatives to get protection from hypnotism and charms.Simply being spiritual will do.Once you are spiritual and virtuous,you are blessed with protection.

The practice of japa,meditation and devotion can confer more protection that what a bindi can.

Recently,a friend of mine told me that kumkum has been patented by the British.If this is true,in the near future,it will be recorded as such that the use of kumkum was started by the English.

This is sad to hear as Indians who adore this tradition are in the verge of misleading the science,while westerners are digging deeper into it.

Remember that our ancestral cultural practices and spiritualism is still deeply encoded within our genes.Not preserving this gift in our very genes is a great mistake to commit.

It is crucial that we make an effort for a transformation.At present,it is only likely that the senior citizens and those certain parts of the world are using kumkum as it is- the upcoming generation simply appear to grab the trendiest sticker bindi in the market.

At the same time,be aware of the use of impure kumkum.Most kumkum sold these days are polluted with mercuric elements.This can cause allergies and scarring when applied.

My suggestion is that , make your own pure kumkum.It is relatively easy - being comprised of two prominent substances namely turmeric and lime.

Here is a good article guide as to how to make your own kumkum :

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