Saturday 29 October 2016

The hidden meaning behind Shivaa Baraat you should know this Diwali

Image result for shiva baraat

Shiva’s bandwagon of followers and wedding attendants are an extraordinary lot: None of them are in conformity to ‘normal’ appearances . Some have extra limbs, others multiple eyes, some are bereft of features, making altogether an almost hideous and unpalatable sight
Image result for shiva baraat

But there is a happiness, a bliss in the picture still. What does this mean? Simply, that thinking of others as different from our own selves, is our individual perception. It is being judgmental, whilst Shiva Himself knows that all beings are from the same one Consciousness,He is Universal, he accepts all as one family. Himself shown as wearing a garland of skulls : this conveys that He knows far beyond life and death , he knows of transcendence
Image result for shiva baraat
Again, here he is shown as many armed, Hindu Gods are often depicted like this, ashta bhuja ( 8 arms) das bhuja ( ten arms) while each hand is equipped with some instrument or device, this means to convey the omnipotence, of God. In today’s terms, God can Multitask, He is the master of all things.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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