![No automatic alt text available.](https://scontent-kul1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s526x395/14908198_1233389913387637_2415475408448562354_n.jpg?oh=c8c4a8ee339e6c64274870733b11d3b3&oe=58953806)
According to Tantra, universe is called brahmanda (macrocosm). We are all like a small universe called kshudra brahmanda(microcosm). So, all the deities present in the universe also dwell within us in different locations of our body. This means that entire universe is present within us. Lord Ganesha controls the first psychic chakra, muladhara. He is the gate keeper and the ruler of this chakra. In passive or sleeping mode, Parvati also dwells here in muladhara as a serpent called Kundalini. In the awakened state, Parvati moves as Kundalini power in sushumna. The divine channel(nadi) sushumna is nothing but Lord Karthikeya himself. The spinal column in which sushumna is said to be present, looks like a serpent. So, in Southern India , Lord Karthikeya is worshiped as a divine serpent. Since Devi Kundalini is a serpent, it also suggests that Lord Karthikeya may also symbolize Kundalini power. Lord Shiva is known to be seated in the sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head.
The entire Kundalini Yoga mechanism depends on the following entities and corresponding deities as follows ;
Muladhara chakra – Lord Ganesha is the ruler: yoga starts here.
Mother Kundalini – She is Shridevi Parvati: the means of yoga.
Sushumna – Embodiment of Lord Karthikeya : the channel/path of Kundalini.
Finally, Sahasrara chakra – the seat of the Greatest Lord Shiva, the Ultimate Reality: the End of yoga!
This is the secret of Lord Shiva’s family and their relation with the highest yoga, Kundalini Yoga!
The entire Kundalini Yoga mechanism depends on the following entities and corresponding deities as follows ;
Muladhara chakra – Lord Ganesha is the ruler: yoga starts here.
Mother Kundalini – She is Shridevi Parvati: the means of yoga.
Sushumna – Embodiment of Lord Karthikeya : the channel/path of Kundalini.
Finally, Sahasrara chakra – the seat of the Greatest Lord Shiva, the Ultimate Reality: the End of yoga!
This is the secret of Lord Shiva’s family and their relation with the highest yoga, Kundalini Yoga!
Jai Shri Ganeshaya Namah ~ Shubh Ratri ~ Good Night!
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