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Literally speaking bhakti means, loyalty, surrender, faithfulness, attachment and devotion. Spiritually speaking, bhakti is one of the most sublime human expressions not easily attained. True bhakti arises in a person who is filled with purity, who is free from worldly desires and whose sole aim is liberation. A loyal devotee of God does not seek anything, other than oneness with Him. Bhakti is intense spiritual love and devotion to God. In true devotion, a person reaches the heights of out of body and out of mind experiences. True devotion often manifests itself as a kind of divine madness and total indifference to worldly matters. Thus, bhakti is not mere devotional feeling or activity. It is much deeper than that. It is intense yearning of the soul who is caught in the phenomena of birth and death to become free. It manifests in one's being as a powerful emotion which is both of this world and not of this world. It arises in a mind that is stabilised by one pointed intelligence and purified in the fire of virtues and divine qualities.
Har Har Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Shubh Ratri! 🙏🏻
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