Regret and worry are a waste of time.
Regret and worry are a waste of time. Regret can't change the past, and worry doesn't change the future either. So just pray to Shiva.
🍃Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Thursday Thoughts. 🕉
🌙🕉 Yes, Shiva is your support. He is your strength. He has brought you through in the past. He is going to bring you through in the future also. Learn to trust him. Don't get discouraged. Realise You Can't Control Everything. We all know this at some level, but the way we think, act and feel, many times contradicts this basic truth. We don’t control the universe, and yet we seem to wish we could. All the wishful thinking won’t make it so. You can’t even control everything within your own little sphere of influence ; many things are simply out of your control. First step is realizing that these things will happen. There are things that we cannot control that will affect every aspect of our life. So learn to accept things as they are. Change your perspective. When you change, the world changes. The key to all change is our inner transformation, a change of our hearts and mind. This is human revolution. We all have the power to change. When we realise this truth, we can bring forth that power anywhere, anytime and in any situation. So just Breathe, and trust Shiva. Worrying will not fix it, but trusting Shiva will! Love, light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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