Saturday 18 February 2017

A person who has no desire for sense gratification, who lives free of desires, who has given up all the sense for controls and proprietorship, and is egoless, can alone attain ultimate peace. Krishna tells to perform his duty without any attachment to the results of his action.

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There are numerous mentions in Bhagavad Gita about the importance of detachment to attain peace, happiness and gradually moksha. Krishna tells Arjuna, A person who has no desire for sense gratification, who lives free of desires, who has given up all the sense for controls and proprietorship, and is egoless, can alone attain ultimate peace. Krishna tells to perform his duty without any attachment to the results of his action.
Is detachment about being aloof and withdrawing from the world? Desire is Iccha in Sanskrit and it is considered to be one of the greatest Shaktis. According to Vedanta, human beings have three aspects to life: Iccha, jnana and kriya. Only a purified mind can have access to all the real powers of these three aspects. Iccha Shakti, the willpower, is Supreme Shakti that helps us in making better decisions. Thus detachment cannot be all about being physically detached, or being emotionless or being desire less. Detachment is to realize that we are the masters of our emotions, our desires and all our attachments. Detachment means having control over them and be able to manage them. Free our emotion of love from the sense of control, and we are free of our emotions! Free our actions from the worry of its results, and we are free of actions! Have as many desires as we want, but have the wisdom to know which desires we want to follow and the ones we do not want to. Be a Karma yogi, do your Karma, but never worry or never be attached to the result. "Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme." This is what Karma Yoga is all about. And when you remove "I" or ego from the equation, you are automatically free from all worries and are detached from the results for personal gains, but never are you short of motivation. 🌀🕉👁📿🐚🔔🌷🎨
love, light & peace ~ Hari Bol ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Namaste Beautiful Souls ~ happy & blessed weekend! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

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