Saturday 25 February 2017

Thousands of Sadhus gathered at Pashupatinath temple to worship Shiva by smoking cannabis with chillum pipes.

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Thousands of Sadhus gathered at Pashupatinath temple to worship Shiva by smoking cannabis with chillum pipes. While in Varanasi, India also Holy men consumed Bhang. Devotees of Shiva sometimes meditate by drinking Bhang, a milk and cannabis mixture prepared by priests. Sadhus endlessly walk around India and Nepal searching for the spiritual oneness with Shiva. These Sadhus also smoke 'Charas' and 'ganja' from chillums.
It is widely accepted amongst Hindus that Shiva takes Bhang, as its plant sprouted up when drop of the nectar fell down during churning of ocean, as per legends. What's disputed is the consumption of it by ordinary mortals. Consumption of Bhang wasn't always reserved for the Gods and holy days. In fact, not so long ago it was considered an insult to refuse Bhang. This change occurred no earlier than 1900, after the Indian Hemp Commission's report was released in the late 1800s. Bhang is made using cannabis leaves and milk, almonds, rose water and various other items. Bhang is also used as a word to describe the actual cannabis plant in some parts of India. Bhang is also considered a sister of the Mother Ganges. The water from the Ganges is poured over a Shivalingam at a Temple and Bhang is consumed by the devotee so they can mediate, be better able to sing hymns, achieve a blissful state and be like Shiva.
Many Hindus are unaware of the significance of cannabis to Shiva. They seem to know that Bhang is Holy and relevant to Shiva but a lot of people dont not know that Bhang contained cannabis. Cannabis use is stigmatised by Hindu's the world over but if you ask real priests in India about its position compared to alcohol they will tell you that cannabis and only cannabis is acceptable to a Hindu, and priests are only allowed Bhang and Ganja but not allowed alcohol.
Bum Bum Bhole ~ Jai Bholenath 🙏🏻 🙏🏻

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