Sunday 12 February 2017

Every situation is an appropriate opportunity to celebrate the glory and mercy of God.

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Every situation is an appropriate opportunity to celebrate the glory and mercy of God. If we see every moment as the grace of Shiva, then we won't feel grief in times of distress. In every situation we must simply count our blessings, we must always remain grateful. We should learn to express gratitude to Shiva for every situation, wether good or bad. Because every situation is meant for us to grow spiritually. Tough times are an opportunity to draw more close to Shiva. Whatever has happened has happened. Now just turn to God. Sing his praises and chant his hymns, his name, his mantra, all day all night. Good can come out of suffering, pain and sorrow. Know that these problems are all oppurtunities for glorifying God. It is easy to believe in God when everything is fine. But when we suffer and face all kinds of problems, it is more challenging. And yet, this is exactly when we need to show our true belief. All of us will face various struggles and difficulties in our lives. Some of us will suffer more than others. However, each situation is an opportunity to become one with him. So stay happy, for suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope and hope does not disappoint us, because Shiva never leaves his devotees, he is always protecting us, even though we may fail to realise this sometimes!! All glories to the lord ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev !! 🌀👁🌀
Shubh Prabhat ~ Namaste ~ Blessed Sunday Divine Souls!
Much love, divine blessings, peace and happiness to all 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

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