Tuesday 3 October 2017


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, drawing

Rudra absolutely loved the crisp air of Kailash.
There was a very pleasing aroma in the air always, which Rudra thought, “was the smell of freshness itself.”
There was no sense of time; only the golden sunrise and sunset would indicate dawn and dusk.
He loved all the animals and denizens that came to visit the mountains from the forests at their baseline. They were in absolute contrast to the people He had known in the city.
Back in the hut, the animals never once disturbed Him as He meditated. Sometimes, He opened His eyes after hours of inward concentration, to see a deer looking at Him curiously! A snake or two cuddled peacefully in a cozy corner was not uncommon either. It was unbelievable, that sometimes, bumble bees hovered around His Kamandalu, desperately looking for the source of a sweet and enigmatic aroma that would emanate almost every time He went into meditation. It was as if the animals knew meditation was the only thing worthy of watching in the humans; the only thing that they didn’t themselves have, or, for that matter which wasn’t outrightly copied from them.
( From the book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. )

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